There are lots of things I love, lots of stuff I hate, lots of knowledge I've acquired along the way, and lots of things I still don't understand. I suppose in a way it's about me, but I didn't want this to be a repeat of my lengthy life updates. So, it's just a collection of lists. At least one per week. An insight inside my brain, if you will. Twelve items pertaining to whatever topic I feel like, ranked in appropriate order, for your reading pleasure and mostly so I can put all my thoughts onto "paper." Maybe you'll agree. Maybe you'll think I have the dumbest opinions on the face of this planet. Maybe you'll laugh. Maybe you'll wish you could get those few minutes of your life back that you just spent reading what I had to say. But maybe, just maybe, you'll learn a little something new.

domenica 22 luglio 2012

Top 12 Bucket List Items

Well, I went to Madison for two weekends and therefore wasn't able to post anything for the past two weeks.  I'm sure you all have pins and needles that you are sitting on, waiting for my next post.  Well folks, the wait is over.  Here is my post for this week and two more will be coming at random times to make up for the past two weeks.

So. I used to not want to make a bucket list.  I was afraid that I'd make one and then feel really stupid when I didn't check things off of there and I'd feel like a failure.  But I sort of started making one in my head--- "man, it'd sure be cool to do this..."  And weirdly enough, opportunities started presenting themselves to me and I started accidentally checking things off of my list.  So eventually I decided that I needed to make this list, and start living my life in a super awesome way.  I've already checked off some things--- but here is a list of 12 of the things I haven't yet done--- and that I'm most excited to check off.  Holler if you want in, as everything is more fun with other people.

1.  Sky diving. I know it's super cliche, but I don't care. After hang gliding in Switzerland, I knew that sky diving was a must.

2.  Getting a tattoo.  I always said I never wanted one unless I like, went to the Olympics or some shit and got the rings tattooed on me. (It had to be THAT meaningful)  Obviously that's not happening, but I've found something that really means a lot to me and I've sat on this idea for over a year now--- meaning this particular tattoo isn't a phase/random idea.  It's small, but covers a lot of area, so I'm scared..... hopefully I'll man-up one of these days tho.

3. Finish a half Ironman.  I have to be in ridiculously better shape... but triathlons are the shit.  They're super fun and I'd like to continue doing them and work my way up.  I'm not nearly hardcore enough to try a full, but I figure a half is also a pretty decent accomplishment.

 4. Travel to India, China, and Brazil.  I love you Europe, but it's time that I set my sights elsewhere.  These are my next top three destination points- in no particular order.  I have to find both the time and the money, but once I do--- it's on.

5. Fall in love.  I know.  Vomit.  Cheesy.  But it's true.  Eventually.

 6. Learn a song on the piano that I can play AND sing with at the same time.  I've already got my song picked out.  Just gotta get my ass to the store to buy the sheet music.  You will most likely have to take my word on this when I accomplish it--- as I will not be showing ANYONE.

 7. Road trip across America.  I feel like my window of opportunity has passed on this--- but you never know.  I'm thinking it'll play out PUH-RETTY close to what Britney's did.

8. Go to Alaska to see the start and/or finish of the Iditarod.  This brings me back to elementary school and the days of Iron Will.  The Iditarod is SUPER hardcore and SUPER badass.  Plus those dogs are adorbs. Going someday with Laura--- it's already decided.

9. Nutcracker at La Scala.  While I've already seen a concert there--- I really like The Nutcracker, perhaps because it's part of a Christmas tradition--- we used to go see the Shold girls every year in it-- and so maybe that's why I like it so much. Or maybe just because it's GOOD.  Who knows?  But I'd love to see it on the Big Time stage.  Also-- saw some of the costumes when I went on a tour of all of that stuff, and its gorgeous.

10. Oktoberfest.  I think this speaks for itself.  Cherrie, you in?

11. Eat at a Top Chef's restaurant or one of Bobby Flay's restaurants.  I am a GIANT Bobby fan and am obsessed with Top Chef--- One day when I can afford it, I'd like to go eat at one of their restaurants and eat the food that I've been watching for so long on TV.  Preferably Fabio Viviani's.  And not just because he's Italian and awesome.  Ok, that may be part of it... (He has a shirt that says "Team Fabio"--- so I think it only appropriate that Fabs comes with me and we both wear those)

12.  Get S.C.U.B.A. certified, then go scuba diving.

What's on your bucket list? 

2 commenti:

  1. As for n.2, a friend of mine made a serious plan. After hearing how much sex people do have while at the Olympic games, he decided he would pick a very random/unpopular sport, move to a very small country, preferably where nobody plays such sport, get the citizenship, become national champion, fly to the next Olympics, have the long deserved time of his life :D
    I second your offer for n.11, you buy dinner for both right? ;)

  2. Of course. I'm well aware I still owe you dinner. :)
