There are lots of things I love, lots of stuff I hate, lots of knowledge I've acquired along the way, and lots of things I still don't understand. I suppose in a way it's about me, but I didn't want this to be a repeat of my lengthy life updates. So, it's just a collection of lists. At least one per week. An insight inside my brain, if you will. Twelve items pertaining to whatever topic I feel like, ranked in appropriate order, for your reading pleasure and mostly so I can put all my thoughts onto "paper." Maybe you'll agree. Maybe you'll think I have the dumbest opinions on the face of this planet. Maybe you'll laugh. Maybe you'll wish you could get those few minutes of your life back that you just spent reading what I had to say. But maybe, just maybe, you'll learn a little something new.

martedì 31 luglio 2012

My New Top 12 Men

Had to be redone in light of recent events.

12. Michael Phelps. Gorgeous stroke.

11. Michael Phelps. He cleans up well!

 10. Michael Phelps.  Nothing sexier than a man good with kids.

9.  Michael Phelps.  Greatest.Olympian.Ever.

8. Michael Phelps.  Look at that BODY.

7. Michael Phelps.  He's an underwear model for Christ's sake.

6. Michael Phelps.  He's got the smoldering look down well.

5. Michael Phelps. His focus and determination is beyond belief.

4. Michael Phelps. Yum.

3.  Michael Phelps. Look at that smile!

2. Michael Phelps. His drive.

1. Michael Phelps.  A God.  He's not only a beautiful specimen of human being, but he's also a role model.  His hard work and determination, his success, his poise, and his values.  He's the greatest Olympian in history and will most likely remain that way throughout history.  There are so many reasons why he's so successful and so well respected.  You're a boss Mike.  Getting his autograph was like one of the best and most awesome experiences of my life.  <3  <3  <3 

And I totally don't care that I'm SUPER annoying because I made this list entirely devoted to him. 

mercoledì 25 luglio 2012

Special Edition: Olympics- My Favorite Events

It's that time again!! THE OLYMPICS! As you all know, I'm a GIANT and idiotic sports fan.  So, you can only imagine how obsessed I am with the Olympics.  The BEST athletes from around the globe, competing on one stage, every FOUR years.  Thank goodness that it's every two years when you throw the winter games in there.  I love everything about the games.  I love the inspirational stories, I love the phenomenal athletics, I love the spirit of everything, and I love Bob Costas.  It's especially great because there are a lot of sports that don't have Super Bowls, Stanley Cups, major tournaments such as golf and tennis, etc.--- and for MY sport, this is swimming's biggest stage.  Along with a lot of other great sports. 

I take this very seriously.  I DVR everything, I wake up early and go to bed late to watch live coverage (this obviously depends on where the Games are held).  I basically schedule my life around watching as much coverage as possible.  I take off of work and I don't make plans with friends.  Unless we're going to be watching the Olympics together, that is. So, here is a list of my favorite twelve sports to watch.  Both summer and winter games.  They are ranked in order, my favorite being last.  But keep in mind that I enjoy watching ALMOST all of the other not mentioned sports as well.  There are a few exceptions with table tennis and curling and shit. 

12. Women's Track and Field. Track and Field has a long history in the Johnson family.  Will always remember Gail Devers and her nails and I'm excited to see what Allyson Felix will do in London!

11. Alpine Skiing in general. There are five disciplines: Downhill, slalom, giant slalom, Super G, and combined, which is a combination of the slalom and downhill. They go so fast! They're so good and it's always exciting.  There are some HUGE names in this sport and it's never a disappointment to watch.

10. Rowing. As a rower, it's really cool to see how effing FAST they go. And I love when the oars are the country's flag. That's pretty cool.

9. Men's Speed Skating.  Just all around really cool.  Their legs are HUGE. Great athletes. The Dutch own this event.  Sven Kramer is ADORABLE.  But that has only a little to do with how fun it is to watch.

8. SnoX.  aka: Snowcross. It's basically a race on your snowboard with turns and jumps throughout the course.  It's sort of like short-track speed skating in "anything goes."  Frequently there are falls and riders take out other riders.  It's very strategic and things can change at a second's notice.  I get really nervous before this event.  It's very exciting and it's a fairly newer sport, just recently introduced into the Olympics. Both men's and women's are exciting to watch. 

7. Biathlon.  Now, this was a sport that, until 2010 Vancouver games, I thought was the most RIDICULOUS (in a bad way) sport I had ever heard of.  What?  You cross country ski and then SHOOT things?  seriously?  How incredibly RANDOM.  But, two years ago, I must've been bored out of my mind, because I watched some of it.  Well, needless to say--- I'm now a believer.  Holy shit.  These people are literally the best athletes in the world.  You cross country ski--- which is already really, really hard and physically demanding, but then you have to get your heard rate down low enough to concentrate and shoot at targets.  You stop three different times during the race and shoot at five targets.  Each stop is a different position.  You lay down, you kneel, and you stand.  For every target that you miss, you have to do a penalty lap on your skis which is both tiring and obviously also time consuming.  There is a staggered start so it's hard to know where you are during the race and you have to wait until the end when you have everybody's time to know the final results.  But, HOLY MOLY.  These athletes are out of control. They're awesome. 

6. Men's Track and Field.  Can't be a Johnson without getting into track.  My dad has been a runner since forever and so I've been watching for as long as I can remember. Michael Johnson.  Badass mo fo.  And Usain Bolt?  Good lord.

5. Women's gymnastics.  This is why I started watching the Olympics.  The '96 Magnificent Seven is what got me into the games and the spirit of the whole thing.  I was finally old enough to understand and appreciate what the Olympics were and the story of the women's team that year is truly inspirational. My cousin and I would watch hours of coverage and then go to the beach (we were on vacation) and do cartwheels and pretend like we were Olympians.  We even went out to Walgreens to buy Ace bandages to wrap our wrists and ankles like the gymnasts did.  (super cool, i know) Dominique Moceanu is/was my hero.

4. Women's Swimming. I love swimming.  The women aren't QUITE as exciting to watch as the men, but I definitely had my idols as a swimmer growing up and I think these women are fantastic.  There are some great stories historically and at these Olympics.  It's really going to be exciting to watch.

3. Men's Short track speed skating.  So hardcore. You NEVER know whats going to happen, and I get nervous every.single.time.  Apolo brought a lot of viewers to the sport, and I must say, I'm a huge fan.  But it's just really interesting and exciting to watch, no matter who is on the track. 

2. Men's Halfpipe. One of my boys just ROCKS everybody else at this event, and it's just AMAZING to watch.  It's ridiculous how frickin GOOD he is.  I mostly love it because of him, but there is no denying how great the event is as well.  Plus my dad always says things like: "He really stomped that booter!" or "LOOK AT THAT ALTITUDE!" so, there's that.

1. Men's Swimming.  This is a no brainer.  And with Michael Phelps, I think it's great that he's brought so many viewers to the world of swimming.  You have spectacular story lines, great athleticism, and of course--- the prettiest boys.  :) I love both Ryan and Mikey equally, this rivalry is really stressing me out.

Need I say more? <3  <3  <3 

domenica 22 luglio 2012

Top 12 Bucket List Items

Well, I went to Madison for two weekends and therefore wasn't able to post anything for the past two weeks.  I'm sure you all have pins and needles that you are sitting on, waiting for my next post.  Well folks, the wait is over.  Here is my post for this week and two more will be coming at random times to make up for the past two weeks.

So. I used to not want to make a bucket list.  I was afraid that I'd make one and then feel really stupid when I didn't check things off of there and I'd feel like a failure.  But I sort of started making one in my head--- "man, it'd sure be cool to do this..."  And weirdly enough, opportunities started presenting themselves to me and I started accidentally checking things off of my list.  So eventually I decided that I needed to make this list, and start living my life in a super awesome way.  I've already checked off some things--- but here is a list of 12 of the things I haven't yet done--- and that I'm most excited to check off.  Holler if you want in, as everything is more fun with other people.

1.  Sky diving. I know it's super cliche, but I don't care. After hang gliding in Switzerland, I knew that sky diving was a must.

2.  Getting a tattoo.  I always said I never wanted one unless I like, went to the Olympics or some shit and got the rings tattooed on me. (It had to be THAT meaningful)  Obviously that's not happening, but I've found something that really means a lot to me and I've sat on this idea for over a year now--- meaning this particular tattoo isn't a phase/random idea.  It's small, but covers a lot of area, so I'm scared..... hopefully I'll man-up one of these days tho.

3. Finish a half Ironman.  I have to be in ridiculously better shape... but triathlons are the shit.  They're super fun and I'd like to continue doing them and work my way up.  I'm not nearly hardcore enough to try a full, but I figure a half is also a pretty decent accomplishment.

 4. Travel to India, China, and Brazil.  I love you Europe, but it's time that I set my sights elsewhere.  These are my next top three destination points- in no particular order.  I have to find both the time and the money, but once I do--- it's on.

5. Fall in love.  I know.  Vomit.  Cheesy.  But it's true.  Eventually.

 6. Learn a song on the piano that I can play AND sing with at the same time.  I've already got my song picked out.  Just gotta get my ass to the store to buy the sheet music.  You will most likely have to take my word on this when I accomplish it--- as I will not be showing ANYONE.

 7. Road trip across America.  I feel like my window of opportunity has passed on this--- but you never know.  I'm thinking it'll play out PUH-RETTY close to what Britney's did.

8. Go to Alaska to see the start and/or finish of the Iditarod.  This brings me back to elementary school and the days of Iron Will.  The Iditarod is SUPER hardcore and SUPER badass.  Plus those dogs are adorbs. Going someday with Laura--- it's already decided.

9. Nutcracker at La Scala.  While I've already seen a concert there--- I really like The Nutcracker, perhaps because it's part of a Christmas tradition--- we used to go see the Shold girls every year in it-- and so maybe that's why I like it so much. Or maybe just because it's GOOD.  Who knows?  But I'd love to see it on the Big Time stage.  Also-- saw some of the costumes when I went on a tour of all of that stuff, and its gorgeous.

10. Oktoberfest.  I think this speaks for itself.  Cherrie, you in?

11. Eat at a Top Chef's restaurant or one of Bobby Flay's restaurants.  I am a GIANT Bobby fan and am obsessed with Top Chef--- One day when I can afford it, I'd like to go eat at one of their restaurants and eat the food that I've been watching for so long on TV.  Preferably Fabio Viviani's.  And not just because he's Italian and awesome.  Ok, that may be part of it... (He has a shirt that says "Team Fabio"--- so I think it only appropriate that Fabs comes with me and we both wear those)

12.  Get S.C.U.B.A. certified, then go scuba diving.

What's on your bucket list?