There are lots of things I love, lots of stuff I hate, lots of knowledge I've acquired along the way, and lots of things I still don't understand. I suppose in a way it's about me, but I didn't want this to be a repeat of my lengthy life updates. So, it's just a collection of lists. At least one per week. An insight inside my brain, if you will. Twelve items pertaining to whatever topic I feel like, ranked in appropriate order, for your reading pleasure and mostly so I can put all my thoughts onto "paper." Maybe you'll agree. Maybe you'll think I have the dumbest opinions on the face of this planet. Maybe you'll laugh. Maybe you'll wish you could get those few minutes of your life back that you just spent reading what I had to say. But maybe, just maybe, you'll learn a little something new.

domenica 9 febbraio 2014

12 Things I Wish Were Real

Because, let's face it.  It would be cool.  These are in no particular order.  Spoiler alert for small children.

1. Santa. 

2.  The Invisibility cloak.

see it?

3. Legolas. Because, look at him.  Also, watch him shoot an arrow.

4. Ticket Oak. While you may be creepy as hell, you'd have all the tickets I'd ever need ever.

5. Unicorns.  They're so majestic.

6. Ewoks.

7. Thor. While I haven't quite figured out if Thor being real means that his whole universe thing is real (we don't need those problems....) If it could be just Thor and not all the problems from his planet, then yes, definitely Thor.

8. Teleportation.  Travel is so time consuming and expensive.  Not to mention takes a lot of effort.

9. Calorie free food.  for obvious reasons.

10. An Olympic version of myself.  Because I'd get to meet Bob Costas. And all the baller folks in the Olympic village.  Maybe it's not too late?

11. X-men.  I like REALLY wish i were a mutant with cool powers.

12.  and last but most obviously: Hogwarts. 

domenica 2 febbraio 2014

The Best and Worst Parts of Being a Grown Up

As my first post back, I thought it would be appropriate to post something(ish) about my life and how it has changed since my last post.  I've since moved to Chicago, settled into my job, and am well on my way to becoming a real grown up.  I've discovered that in some ways, it's everything I dreamed about as a little kid when I couldn't eat ice cream for dinner or had a bed time.  But, in other ways, I just want to go back to having someone else be responsible for my life.

The Best:
1) That feeling of independence.  Look at me! I'm doing it!

2) There is that feeling of stability, yet, you never know what is coming next.  In high school, college was next.  In college, Italy was next. In Italy, the real world was next.  There was always something that I was waiting for to happen. Now, I'm finally at a place where I can just live my life.  But, there's always that element of surprise.  Maybe I'll get a new job, maybe I'll meet someone awesome, maybe I'll change apartments.  New and exciting things are right around the corner, however you always know that where you're grounded is a solid place to be.

3) You get to meet OTHER grown ups.  You have less "going out friends" and really start to realize who your real friends are.  The people that you'd go to lunch with, the people you want to spend actual time with. 

4) I have an expendable income (however small that may be).  But, if I want to go out to dinner, I go out to dinner.  If I want to go shopping for no reason at all, bam. done.

5) No more homework.  No more tests.  No more studying.  When I get home from work, it's all free time. 

6) I do what I want, when I want to. Ice cream for dinner? No problem!

The Worst:
1) Bills.  enough said.

2) No breaks. Summer break, winter break, Spring break,  Thanksgiving break, Martin Luther King Jr.  Day.  NOPE.  work force doesn't care.

3) My mom isn't here incase I get sick.  :( 

4) It's frowned upon when you drink wine from a box.  (That doesn't stop me, but sometimes I people laugh in a disappointing kind of way, not in an ironic sort of way)

5) Gift giving.  They don't tell you that gifts are required for SO. MANY. OCCASSIONS.  When anything significant happens in anyone else's life, you give them a gift.  And now that I'm a grown up, I can't mooch off my parents anymore.  Can't just sign my name on the card and be done with it.

6) I realized I'm not even REMOLTEY ready for the next stage of being a grown up.  Marriage and kids and being responsible for other humans.  Which is fine for now, but seeing how long it took me to finally be a stage-1 grown up.... it's a little frightening.

But all in all, I suppose I'm glad to be here.  The grass is always greener on the other side, so might as well enjoy what I've got!

giovedì 8 novembre 2012

12 Most Attractive Players in the Big 3 Sports

I know its Big 4--- but baseball players aren't nearly as attractive as the other athletes--- so I'm leaving them out.  So, here they are.  The Top Most Attractive 4 players in the NBA, NHL, and of course--- the NFL.  I want to warn everyone this is 100% biased--- so if you're looking for hott Red Wings or Packers--- you will not find them on this list. I also willingly admit that if I were not a Chicago Sports fan, two of my number 1's wouldn't be number one. But I am. And they are.  So enjoy. 

I tried to pick pics of them not in uniform-- since we see them in uniform all the time. 

The NHL:

4.  Jonathon Toews.  The Captain of the Blackhawks was born on the day I arrived in America--- it must be fate.  Although I wonder if he'd get jealous about celebrating my airplane day during his birthday?

3. Henrik Lundqvist. 30 year old NY Rangers goalie.  From Sweden.... Need I say more?

2. Sidney Crosby.  I know there are a lot of haters out there--- but I've been a Sid the Kid fan from the start.  He's just precious.  I know he's Canadian, we'll let that slide cuz he's so fucking good at hockey.

1.  Patrick Sharp.  Dear ol Patty.  Thirty years young and a Blackhawk.  What else does a girl need?
 You should also note the hat in the picture.  Go bears.

The NBA:

4. D Wade.  I'm sorry.  There are a lot of decent looking NBA players--- but attractive enough to make my list? He made the cut.  Even tho he plays for the Heat--- which was fine up until LeBron went there and they suddently became the most OBNOXIOUS team around--- he went to Marquette, we gotta give him that. 

3. Kobe Bryant.  Here is another one I have to appologize up front.  Either you love him or you hate him.  And please, no rapist comments.  He's hott.  And a great ball player.  You gotta give him that.  He also speaks fluent Italian, which may or may not have had something to do with this decision.

2. John Wall. He's a baby.  I'm aware.  I've come to terms with it. You should too.

1. Derrick Rose.  No explanation needed here.


The NFL:

4.  Victor Cruz.  Last year was his breakout year, and let's just say he caught my eye just about as much as he caught the ball.  :)  (lame, i know.)

3. Adrian Peterson.  He's been good for a long time.  He's been pretty even longer.

2.  Cam Newton.  If we're going on looks alone--- he'd probably be my number one.  But as a female, I take more things into account.  (Obviously super important things since I know these men so well....) But JESUS CHRIST.  This man is GORGEOUS.  Like, pass out if I saw him in real life gorgeous.  And despite Carolina's record this season--- he's broken a ton of records and he should have a long career ahead of him. Thank goodness--- so I can keep looking at him.

1. Devin Hester.  Let's all pretend that we didn't all see this coming.  He is my self-proclaimed baby daddy, but in reality he has a beautiful family of his own.  He is adaorable.  And if a girl measures level of attractiveness by how many punt/kick returns for TD's someone has...  Well, he'd be winning.  oh FINE.  He'd be TIED for winning. but soon enough he'll stand alone.  Love you DH. 

venerdì 2 novembre 2012

12 Suggestions for How to Redo You

Happy November 2nd! (I started this yesterday but didn’t get to finish- but as it’s still the beginning of the month, it’s still valid)  A whole new month.  For me--- this is an opportunity to rebuild myself.    Maybe I’m watching too many chick flicks and sit coms about single girls who want to make changes in their lives--- but hey- what’s wrong with wanting to be a better person?   There has always been an end in sight: the end of high school and the excitement of college.  The end of college and the promise of Italy.  Going to Italy but being excited about starting a career.  Well, now I’ve found a job that I really enjoy.  I’ve met my goal. But now what? I’m getting bored.   So I’m taking the first/second day of this month as the start of something- well- awesome.   So here are twelve of my suggestions on how to shake things up.  It may or may not end up sounding like an article from a women’s health magazine or some voice over from a chick flick--- so if you have a problem with that--- then I’d advise you to read something else.

1. Change it up.  Change something that you usually do or have the same.  Get a new haircut.  Or a new purse.  I know I’m definitely guilty of using the same purse until it literally falls apart.  It’s perfect because you’ll be able to see instant results. 

2. Travel.  Take this time in your life when you’re young and unattached to see the world.  I made a travel bucket list.  It’s SUPER long and daunting, but exciting.   I’ve already started budgeting! 
3. Cook.  It’s a creative way to express yourself.  If you’re already good at it--- explore different cultures.  Asian food, Middle Eastern food, African food--- there are so many delicious things to try and experiment with.  Plus, it’s impressive.  Here’s a super easy one that I just tried, SOOO good--- and I’ve found a bunch more from that website that I’m going to try soon. 

4. Learn something new.  I decided to start learning French.  This gets your brain working in different ways and presents not only a challenge, but a topic of conversation.
5. Make an excuse to celebrate something.  Let loose. Have fun. 

6. Dress for success! I’m definitely known for my style of rocking sweat pants, a hoody, and flip flops on any/almost every day of the year.   It’s comfortable and it’s easy.  But I also know--- on a bad day--- wearing sweats is NOT the way to go.  Don’t dress how you feel, dress how you WANT to feel.  (I’m not saying that I feel bad most days of the year--- this is only referring to those days where you feel like you HAVE to wear them because you’re all lazy and/or depressed.  Looking good makes you feel good.

7. Don’t be afraid to indulge a little.  If we spent our lives trying to be perfect, we would all fail.  If you don’t indulge a little, you’re in danger of breaking down one day and going on a spree.  It’s impossible to stay perfect forever--- so go ahead.  Enjoy a Big Mac every once in a while.  Buy a pair of adorably impractical heels.  If you LET yourself indulge a little, you won’t beat yourself up for every teeny tiny slip you make. 
nom nom nom chipotleeeee

8. Set a goal.  If you don’t have a goal, then what are you working towards?  Whether you sign up for a race, set a goal weight, or save up money to get front row tickets to your favorite concert.  If you have something concrete to work towards, you’ll not only be able to see and keep track of your progress, but you’ll have the reward of accomplishment at the end of it.  Mine?  I want to do an Olympic distance Tri next spring/summer.  1 mile swim, 23ish mile bike, 10K run.   Bring it. 

9. Stop caring what other people think.  While I’m extremely guilty of this, it’s so much easier to just let go a little. It makes life SO much less stressful.  But don’t overdo it.  That’d be embarrassing.

10. Do something nice for a stranger every so often.   It feels REALLY good.  I’m not saying you have to donate hundreds of dollars to charity or anything, but it’s a great feeling.  Just the other day, someone flashed their lights at me on the way to work to warn me that there was a police car farther along the road.  This saved me a speeding ticket.   When I was waiting in line to vote, there was an old man in front of me who was moving slowly and leaning on everything for balance and support.  Eventually, a lady asked him if he wanted to sit, and that she’d be happy to get him a chair.   In my mind, I felt sorry for the guy but the thought of offering to get him a chair had never even crossed my mind.  Seeing people do nice things makes me want to do the same for others.  Back when I-Passes weren’t a thing, someone in front of me paid my toll, and it made my day--- so I made sure to pay someone else’s at the next toll I stopped at.  It’s little things like that--- that make someone feel great, and it starts a chain of other people doing nice things for other people--- which I think we could all use a little more of.   

11. Take this opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted to do, but have always made an excuse for.  Maybe it’s bungee jumping, maybe it’s going to the new fancy restaurant downtown, or maybe its finally approaching the cute guy or girl who is a regular at your coffee joint.  Whatever it is--- DO IT!!!  I’m taking the time to read more.   I’m in the midst of my research, but am asking Santa for a Kindle or something along those lines and I’m going to kick reading’s ass.
12. Start figuring it out.  Now that you’ve become even more awesome than you already are--- what is that you want?  Shout out to Kim who gave me this idea--- She mentioned making a list and how the universe will make it come true.  Which is a fun idea.  I’m not sure how extensive this list was—whether it’s just about love, or other aspects of life too.   But either way, I think it’s a great idea.  Making a list of the things you want in a relationship, in your career, and in yourself.  The universe may or may not play a role in this whole thing--- but I think the reason this works is because once you have a list written out of the things you want—you’ll be able to REALIZE when you have them.  Or when you don’t and the changes you need to make to get them.
Whatever you do--- have fun.  Be awesome.  Be you. 

sabato 29 settembre 2012

Mistakes Not to Make Whle Drunk

I was inspired for today's post by a link I saw posted on my newsfeed this morning.  "32 Mistakes not to make while drunk" I am the queen of doing awesomely awesome things while under the influence--- and while those specific stories are for another time--- I thought it'd be fun to delve into some of the more common mistakes.  This list is going to be broken up into three parts--- I won't explain them because they're pretty selfexplanitory.  Enjoy!

Things from the list I am most guilty of:

1.      #1 Bringing up an extremely emotional/pertinent conversation in the middle of a crowded bar where you have to scream at each other by default.  ---Yep.  If you're ever too chicken to bring some real issue up sober--- getting wasted will always help.  Everyone feels great about it.  Until the next morning when you dont remember what was said, and even if you do, everybody was spitting out drunken lies anyway.

2.      #5. Taking off your heels and walking barefoot on even the most hypodermic needle-sprinkled city sidewalks.

3.      #8. Calling, texting, Facebook messaging, emailing, or in any way communicating with someone you’ve ever broken up with. I don’t care if you are bleeding from a stab wound in your abdomen and they drive the only ambulance in town — you wait until you are sober to call or you die.  ---This is a rule to live by.  Dying is probably the safer way to go.

4.      #9. Telling your friend that she is so gorgeous to the point where you actually start to weep from a painful combination of her beauty, the ephemerality of human life, and Jack and Cokes.  ---While I generally don't cry about how beautiful my friends are, I definitely tell them how much I love them-- that still counts right?  Even tho you guys are all beautiful--- don't be offended it hasn't moved me to tears yet. 

5.      #13. Paying for a round of shots with your rent money. ---Paying for shots comes from a pile of money I just don't have-- not just rent.

6.      #21. Making out with your ex, if he/she happens to show up at the party. (No, not even if they look at you with that special look that only you two share. That “look” is called being horny and convenient.) ---- This goes back to the death rule I think.  You're just hurting yourself in the long run here people. 

7.      #29. Attempting to speak a foreign language that you clearly do not speak, upon meeting someone who comes from a country that speaks said language. No one wants to hear your butchered 7th grade Spanish, least of which Ana from Venezuela. ---- I do this with Italian, Spanish, and German.  German? really?  Although I usually try to spare my Austrian friends from this gem of a habit of mine, I distinctly remember yelling all of the nouns I know at some South American who spoke German as well as he did English.  (so clearly-- i go for the German, not the English)

8.       #31. Long Island Iced Teas in general. ---- I was sad when this showed up on the list.  This is my drink of choice--- ALWAYS. (except in Europe where they are disgusting-- no offense Europe)

Things I’m not guilty of but know many-a-person who are:
9.      #3. Falling asleep while waiting for food to heat up. --- Fire department will NOT hesitate to knock down your door....

10.      #24. Smoking a cigarette when you are clearly someone who doesn’t actually smoke. (If everyone around you is like, “Holy shit, “_____ is smoking!” that’s a sign that you shouldn’t be going down this road.) --- I hate this.  I will not go on my whole no-smoking rant.  But I hate this and just because you are drunk doesn't suddenly make cigarettes not cancerous anymore.  Just saying.

Things I've decided to add to the list:

11.  Forget everything.
12. Lose your phone.

I do both of these on a regular basis.  I'd just like to point out that my forgetfulness has very little to do with the amount of alcohol I've consumed.  Just saying. 

Here is a link to the site.  Which ones are you guilty of?  Anything to add?  I was going to write something about dancing--- but thats just not a mistake. 

mercoledì 29 agosto 2012

The Six Best Things About Back-to-School and The Six Things I Miss About Being a Student

It's that time of year again! Everybody--- welll, not EVERYBODY... but a lot of people are preparing or have already started school again.  It's the one time of year that people are EXCITED about school and it also marks the beginning of fall, which is usually highly anticipated.  At least it is in my book.  As I watch all the students come back to Madison or I see statuses on facebook about returning... I can't help but reflect on the time that I was a student, and how much I miss it. 

Back to School:

1. New semester, new start.  This is the time of year I'm the most motivated.  I decide I'm gunna kick ass the following semester and it feels good to have the slate wiped clean.  (this feeling of course leaves after about 4 days... but it's good while it lasts)

2. Back to school shopping!! Love it.  I always buy shiny things.  And many a thing that I will never need.  I bought an entire pack of metallic colored staple refills like, sophomore year or something.  I still have 98% of them left.  But it's badass when I staple my resume in hottt pink.

3. Apartment shopping! Need I explain further?

4. The first week is all syllabus stuff.  It's all the fun of school without the work.

5. Getting back into a routine.  Although lounging around is fun--- I definitely enjoy being a schedule, making lists so I can make the schedule work, and the executing that schedule well. 

6. Reunions with friends.  While a lot of people stay for the summer, a lot of people don't.  It's fun to see everyone and have friends back all in the same place again.  First weekend back to school runs a VERY close second to Mifflin on my favorite weekends of the year list.  And no. Halloween does NOT make that list. But thats for another week's post.

Things I miss about being a student:

1. The SERF.  They had everything I needed.  A pool, stairs to run, workout classes, and everything else you can imagine.  And it was essentially free.  Finding a decent gym is expensive and hard.

2. Student discounts.  After having my wallet stolen numerous times-- I no longer have my student ID.  Now I have to lie when I go to Flat Top, use someone else's bus pass when I go to Comedy Club, and sometiems just don't plain get discounts at places I haven't figured out how to beat the system. 

3. What I miss about being a freshman: Carefree lifestyle.  You're just getting used to college life and thoroughly enjoying being on your own schedule.  No curfew, no checking in, it's all about you. But you don't have the burden of hard classes. Unless you're Kaley and can't remember the word for "spanish" in spanish. That makes things harder.  I met a lot of my close friends that year and just lived it up.

4. What I miss about being a sophomore: Being a sophomore--- you're WAY cooler than a fresman. like, WAY cooler... or so think all the sophomores.  Sophomore year you're established.  You have a group of friends.  You have an apartment.  You have a little more knowledge and a little more of an idea of where you're headed.  It was a year of learnig experience.  The first time I was in an apartment with friends.  Six of us all together--- which is a lot of girls in a small space.  We learned a lot about each other, and we made it work (for the most part).  Tania and I had some ridiculous times in the loft that still make us burst out laughing talking about them today. 

5. What I miss about being a junior:  Junior year is where things sort of got a little more serious.  I was only there for half of the year, so I had to fit all my Madison time into one semester.  I lived in three different places, probably in equal amounts.  Those three places being: the Tri Delta house (where I technically lived on paper and paid rent to live in), Tania's house, and Grainger Hall (the Business School building).  Definitely worked hard--- but also played hard.  I met my Italian boys this semester--- and I dunno what I'd do without them. :) I'm not including my time in Italy-- because I literally miss EVERYTHING about it. 

 6. What I miss about being a senior: As a senior--- it's not quite like in high school where you run that shit.  But you still feel a sense of being wiser than the silly juniors who are turning 21 left and right doing super smart things  (Me being one of them on that occassion).  You start to get senioritus at some point--- and that's when shit hits the fan.  It starts becoming much less about school and much more about your expereinces.  The friends you've made, the traditions you've built and become a part of, and the memories that you'll always have of these last four years.  You start to freak out about the future and realize that you're not ready.  You start to realize who your friends are vs. your friends you call to go to the bars.  You realize that this phenomenal time in your life is coming to an end, and you're about to start a new chapter.  It's when you think back to when all those old people told you to enjoy every moment of this-- because it goes so fast.  You remember how you just brusehd it off--- everyone says that--- and how now, now you really understand why they said that.  Maybe old people know what they're talking about after all. It's your last year of sweatpants.  The last year you do octobongs in the parking lot.  The last year you can go to the Union without having to buy some STUPID membership card.  Senior year is the culmination of your college career--- when you can look back and revel in your friends, your bad decisions, the few things you've retained from your power lectures.  It's the end of your childhood, really.

All of that being said, when I graduated college, there was nothing I wanted more than to leave school as far behind me as possible.  Homework, studying, sleeping through classes--- it was all over, and I couldn't have been more excited.  I needed the two years I took off of school for me.  I needed that first year to play.  Nothing but waiting tables, drinking, and laughing with good friends.  No, GREAT friends.  That second year?  As you all know, I'm obsessed with Italy. I needed that time to go and do my thing.  Now, I'm happy to say that I'm over this whole transition thing and ready to go into the real world.  Guess we all gotta grow up some time, right?

 er...maybe not...